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Volunteer Opportunities

School Accountability Advisory Committee (BAAC)

  • This committee is comprised of the school principal, parents, a staff representative, and sometimes students. They discuss student achievement, discipline, school policies, programs and activities throughout the school year. This group meets every second Wednesday of month at 7 p.m. in the school library. Contact Mary Ruiz at 720-542-5411 for more information.

Band Boosters

  • Parents meet to plan activities and raise funds for band members. These parents meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the band room. Contact WHS Performing Arts at 303-428-9541 for more information.

Superintendent's Parent Leadership Cabinet (PLC)

  • The superintendent’s Parent Leadership Cabinet (PLC) is a group of parent leaders who directly share their views with the superintendent around system-wide policies and events affecting schools. Members are parents who are nominated by their school principals and reflect the diversity of our community. The cabinet meets quarterly with the superintendent and key Westminster Public Schools staff. To join the PLC, contact the WPS Superintendent's Office.

District Accountability Advisory Committee (DAAC)

  • Committee members include an administrator from the district, a principal representative from each level of school and a parent representatives from each school. This committee oversees the accreditation process for the district. Data from state assessments (CSAP), and local assessments for the district's writing/reading and national assessments (NWEA) are analyzed for each school. This data determines individual school grades given on the State’s Annual Report Card, as well as the AYP progress for each school and district. This group meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Contact Mary Ruiz at 720-542-5411 for more information.


Parent Academy for Student Success (PASS) is a FREE program that is open to all Westminster Public Schools parents, including Spanish speakers. PASS helps you open the door to opportunities for your children by giving you the knowledge and skills to help your student be ready for life after high school. The classes are offered in both English and Spanish and we will provide FREE childcare.

We have over 700 parents who have attended the program and are now active parents in our community!

For more information contact:

Claudia Glascock, PASS Coordinator.


We Love Our Volunteers!

Reading to children, serving as guest speakers, assisting with PTO and on school-based improvement committees are a few of the many volunteer opportunities that await parents in Westminster Public Schools. With 20 schools and several service facilities, WPS appreciates the valuable time parents donate to building brighter futures for our students.